One week ago today, we asked special prayer for all the forest fires that have been burning across the nation this summer -- that those who are fighting them would be enable to do their job successfully and that all of the residents in those areas would be kept safe.
At that time, we shared an on-site report with you from one of our own Prayer Partners: Deb P. in the Rock Creek Valley in Montana. We had asked specific prayer that ground crews would be released to fight the Sawmill fire that was threatening the residents of the valley; as no one had yet shown up to do so.
Today we are happy to report that God has answered our prayer for the citizens of Rock Creek Valley, so that there are now between 150 - 200 firefighters in their area.
With that being said, we now share a report just in from Deb, again; with prayer requests included. Please join us in praying specifically as shown below, so that our Lord would even be able to use this fire to His Glory. Amen.
Good Morning,
First, just quick and to the point - we're fine, though the fire is working its way in both directions (north & south). The south flank is of concern today though.
The fire "Incident Commander" was in just a bit ago, speaking of how well this fire has been behaving when all the others around us are not. I shared that I am a Christian, and part of a very large prayer network and that there are prayers being lifted up on behalf of THIS fire, and THESE firefighters from around the nation.
He seemed a bit doubtful as to what good prayers are, but he said "well, if they can keep that south flank from blowing up, so that we can get in there and button it up, then we'll be doing good". So, I'm asking you, my sisters and brothers in prayer around the nation to join me in praying for Bob, the Incident Commander for the Sawmill portion of this fire. He knows fire behavior, and all that goes with it, so pray for God to guide and direct him, the winds, the heat, the crews. Pray for Bob to remember the conversation we had this morning and to ponder the behavior of the fires all around us - now that he knows that THIS fire has so much prayer being lifted up.
Last year the Lord told me that this position He has placed me in is not about business, but about the people He will bring me as a result of the business. Right now there are somewhere between 150 and 200 people on this property as a result of the fire. I don't interact with all of them personally, but I DO talk to a good number of them. Please pray that I would be salt and light in the midst of the smoke.
Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers, we KNOW God is hearing and protecting this little valley, and will continue to do so.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
Please join us in prayer for Deb and her neighbors:
· "When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." (Is. 43:2)
· "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24)