If the Senate returns from its August recess and votes in favor of expanding federal hate-crimes legislation, the White House said President Bush will be ready with his veto pen.
The hate-crimes amendment, which is attached to a Defense spending bill, creates a new category of crime for actions said to be motivated by prejudice based on "sexual orientation" and "gender identity." In May, the House passed its hate-crimes bill, 237-180.
"The qualifications (in the bill) are so broad that virtually any crime involving a homosexual individual has potential to have hate-crimes elements," White House spokesman Tony Fratto told The Washington Times. "The proposals they're talking about are not sufficiently narrow." (Citizen Link; 8/7/07)
· Offer praise for this good report, and ask our God to strengthen the hand of the "king," President Bush, that he be graced to follow through on this promise. Praise God!
· "The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases." (Proverbs 21:1)