From: Robert Stearns, Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Dr. Jack Hayford, Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Dear Praying Friends,
Please take a moment to read and pass on this urgent prayer update.
We are just days away from a powerful moment, when millions of Christians in every nation across the planet will join in faith and unity to pray together for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem.
This massive prayer initiative, one of the largest in Church history, has now been reported and referenced by major news outlets around the world. The Jerusalem Celebration of the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem will be carried live into 192 nations on God TV.
Literally, in every corner of the planet, churches are preparing to stand in agreement with Psalm 122, and with one another in hope, and pray for God's presence and peace to flood the streets of Jerusalem, and minister peace to all of her inhabitants, Jew and Arab alike.
The First Sunday of October, October 7th, has been designated as the Global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem by well over 1000 global Christian leaders. Leaders of influence including, Jack Hayford, Paul Cedar, Dick Eastman, T.D. Jakes, Kay Arthur, Myles Munroe, Jane Hansen, John Hagee, Ravi Zacharias, Michael W. Smith, Chuck Pierce, Sunday Adelaja, and Joyce Meyer are just a handful of those all around the world who are in unity calling for focused, united prayer on this day.
In order for this day to be effective we NEED to ACT together in unity. Please agree to make a difference today by doing two simple things:
1. Make sure your local church is participating on October 7th.
The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem is NOT a single location event but rather a worldwide celebration day when LOCAL CHURCHES remember to pray for Jerusalem in their Sunday services. Although there will be a Jerusalem Celebration of this day carried live on GOD TV around the world, the real thrust of the initiative is on the local church level. Please BE SURE that your church is participating! There are resources such as posters and prayer cards for you local church available at www.daytopray.com.
2. Please forward this email to as many believing Christians as you can.
If you will simply take a moment right now and forward this on to your close friends and prayer partners, we can literally sound a global trumpet to bring clear focus and awareness to this urgent prayer effort.
We thank you for putting action to your prayers and taking part in seeing God's purposes for Zion unfold in this hour of history!
If you have any questions or need further information regarding the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, please contact our DPPJ office at 1-800- 51WINGS or visit www.daytopray.com.
May the Lord's Shalom rest over each of you,
Robert Stearns
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
Dr. Jack Hayford
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem
P.S. If you have not yet done so, feel free to add your name with the leaders around the world who have signed the "Call To Prayer Resolution." You can also click on your nation, state or city to get in touch with the local coordinators in your area to find out about what is happening with the DPPJ in your region.