Thursday, March 8, 2007

Massachusetts Parents Lose Right to Challenge Schools

Massachusetts Parents Lose Right to Challenge Schools

U.S. District Chief Judge Mark Wolf has told parents in Lexington, Massachusetts that they have no right to challenge school curricula and no right to opt their children out of pro-homosexual school lessons. Those statements came as Wolf dismissed a lawsuit brought by parents, telling them that their only options on the matter were to place their children in private school, to homeschool them or to elect like-minded people to the school board. (Concerned Women for America)

Ask Almighty God to change the hearts and minds of Judges such as Mark Wolf, or appoint new Judges in our court systems. Judges honoring and upholding the original rights of " We the people" in our nation can rightfully challenge the school systems and anything denying our God given Parental Rights.

Repent therefore of this thy wickedness and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thy heart may be forgiven thee. (Acts 8:22)