Hooper, who in April 1993 was quoted by the Minneapolis Star as saying he would “like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future,” told NewsMax that whenever there's an attack from elective officials "we don't even ask any more which party it is. It should be a concern to ordinary Republicans that the party is being viewed as a reservoir of anti-Muslim hate." It is clear from this statement that the spokesman for the nation’s Islamic civil rights group, who believes America should be governed by Islam, sees the Democratic Party as an ally.
Actions speak louder than words. The Democratic leadership agrees with Iran and al Qaeda that the United States must withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible. The Democratic leadership believes America should negotiate with Syria and Iran, the leading state sponsors of terrorism. The Democratic leadership catered to newly elected Islamic Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota by allowing for the first time in history his ceremonial swearing in to Congress to be done using the Koran. And yesterday the Democratic leadership cleared the way for CAIR to hold a conference in the Capitol Building itself on “Global Attitudes on Islam-West Relations.” CAIR’s spokesman Hooper says the Republican Party is viewed as a reservoir of anti-Mulsim hate.
The Democratic leadership to date has refused to comment, which also speaks volumes as those who would not want to be labeled as CAIR’s ally would likely rush to set the record straight if Hooper misrepresented the Democratic Party’s sentiments. The tolerance of the American people is undeniable. After all, terrorists, terrorist sympathizers, religions that call for terrorism, terrorist scriptures, and terrorist strategies all have a Constitutional right to exist and to be heard, right? Jeremiah 51:14 says, “Surely I will fill you with men as with locusts, and they shall lift up a shout against you.” It should be a concern to Christian Americans that their country is being viewed as a target of invaders from within.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry