Friday, May 27, 2016

CHPP About Memorial Day Friday, May 27, 2016

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
"A National Prayer Alliance"
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Friday, May 27, 2016

"Pay everyone what you owe him . . . honor to whom honor is due."
(Romans 13:7)


About Memorial Day

Memorial Day is this Monday. It's meant as a day of remembrance for the sacrifice of those who have fought for our freedoms, and protected our lives.

The Lord calls us to remember the things He has done for us. He often called the nation of Israel to remember His miracles, His works, His love for His people.

Even if you don't have a veteran or first responder in your family, you do have the Lord. Remember His works . . . and the Sacrifice of His Son for you. And be thankful.

A grateful heart will keep bitterness at bay. A thankful heart will bring hope amidst the storms of life. And above all, a thankful heart will bring the favor of the Lord into your life.

May this Memorial Day be a time of reflection.

In His Love,

Pastor Faye Higbee
Post Falls, Idaho