"O God, Our Help in Ages Past":
Sing with Westminster Abbey
Sing with Westminster Abbey
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
"A National Prayer Alliance"
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970
The Daily Brief:
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, April 27, 2015
"Let the heavens declare His righteousness, For God Himself is Judge."
(Psalm 50:6)
" . . . but deliver us from evil . . ." (Matthew 6:13)
" . . . For the battle is the Lord's . . ." (1 Samuel 17:47)
Please join CHPP and representatives of many other ministries tonight and tomorrow as we read the Word of God across the nation for 30 hours. We begin at 6:00 p.m. tonight and read "straight through" until midnight on tomorrow. We will be reading all books of the New Testament, and the Books of Isaiah, Proverbs and Psalms.
Come join us as, together, we "wrap the nation" in the love of God, coast to coast, by calling 559-726-1300; Access code: 290787#
Also, tomorrow we will stand down from publishing the Daily Brief, that we might devote ourselves to a day of prayer and fasting for our nation, and to the reading of His Word. Amen.
"The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty . . ." (Zeph. 3:17)
The Daily Brief
1. Alert! California Airport Security Tightened Amid ISIS Fears - Newsmax
Airports in Los Angeles and southern California have increased security in the wake of new concerns about threats from the Islamic State group (ISIS) against American targets, NBC News reports.
Los Angeles Internation Airport started using two-man security patrols this week, following the procedure already adopted by the city's police, NBC said. Authorities are particularly concerned that lone-wolf terrorists might target uniformed personnel, one unnamed official told NBC.
No specific plot has been uncovered, the news site said, but noted that FBI Director Jim Comey has said investigations of suspected ISIS sympathizers are underway in all 50 states. (Read more)
SEE ALSO: FBI investigating possible ISIS plot in U.S.- CNN (Go here)
Note: ThreatJournalUSA is also reporting two more airports named as possible targets for attacks by ISIS: Denver and Atlanta.
- Abba Father, we ask You to rise up and direct whomever needs to know as to how to discern and block any terrorist action from this ISIS group, wherever it is found within the US. Awaken Your people, Lord, as to how serious this threat is and direct all of us what to do and where to be. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them." (Psalm 34:7 NKJV)
2. Powerful 6.7 magnitude aftershock rattles Nepal as aid arrives in region - Fox News
A powerful magnitude 6.7 aftershock shook the Kathmandu region of Nepal sending people yelling and running Sunday, a day after a massive earthquake crippled the region killing more than 2,500.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the aftershock registered at a shallow depth of six miles.
"The aftershocks keep coming . . . so people don't know what to expect," said Sanjay Karki, Nepal country head for global aid agency Mercy Corps. "All the open spaces in Kathmandu are packed with people who are camping outdoors. When the aftershocks come you cannot imagine the fear. You can hear women and children crying."
With people fearing more quakes, tens of thousands of Nepalese spent Saturday night outside under chilly skies, or in cars and public buses. They were jolted awake by the aftershocks Sunday. (Read more)
- Abba Father, as this nightmarish catastrophe continues to unfold, we stand in the gap before You to ask that Your strength, comfort and peace may be poured out over all involved. We pray that You will direct and protect those who are rushing in to assist and rescue whom they can with Your special angels. We pray this in the Name of Jesus and under His Shed Blood, Amen and Amen.
- "Save Your people, and bless Your inheritance; shepherd them also, and bear them up forever." (Psalm 28:9 NKJV)
3. Christian Leaders Affirm Support for Traditional Marriage Ahead of Supreme Court Case - Christian Post
On April 28, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether states have the right to determine their own definition of marriage, or whether the Constitution requires all 50 states to make same-sex 'marriage' legal. Two members of the U.S. Supreme Court, both viewed as potential swing votes on the right of gay couples to marry, raised doubts about California's gay marriage ban on Tuesday as they questioned a lawyer defending the ban.
Religious leaders from a wide array of denominations have released a joint statement reaffirming their support for traditional marriage ahead of the Supreme Court's hearing of oral arguments on Tuesday. The Christian leaders have said that reaffirming marriage as being between one man and one woman is vital for protecting children and offering them both a father and a mother.
"As religious leaders from various faith communities, we acknowledge that marriage is the foundation of the family where children are raised by a mother and a father together," the statement reads, in part. (Read more)
Please note, too: On Tuesday, over a dozen well-known leaders will gather on the steps of the Supreme Court Building to take a stand for biblical marriage. To learn more, please see this bulletin, published by Cindy Jacobs, by going here.
- Heavenly Father, we lift up praise to You that Christian leaders have released a joint statement of their support for traditional marriage ahead of the Supreme Court's hearing of oral arguments on Tuesday. We pray that what is presented in that joint statement will resonate with each one of the justices, drawing them to understand the extreme seriousness of this Supreme Court decision. We pray this in Jesus' Name and under His Shed Blood, Amen and Amen.
- "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" (Psalm 46:10 NKJV)
4. Gay-rights advocates torpedo GoFundMe campaign for Christian-owned bakery - Washington Times
A crowdfunding campaign that had raised more than $109,000 for the Christian-owned bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa in Oregon was removed Saturday after complaints from gay-rights advocates.
The website GoFundMe said in a statement Saturday that it took down the page because the campaign violated the policy against raising money "in defense of formal charges of heinous crimes, including violent, hateful, or sexual acts." "The campaign entitled 'Sweet Cakes by Melissa' involves formal charges. As such, our team has determined that it was in violation of GoFundMe's Terms & Conditions," said GoFundMe in an email statement. "The money raised thus far will still be made available for withdrawal," said GoFundMe.
The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries proposed a damages award Friday of $135,000 against Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of the bakery, after they were found in violation of the state's anti-discrimination law in February. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we repent before You that this GoFundMe organization withdrew their support of these Christian bakers who are being judged and punished for following Your Word. We lift up praise that other organizations such as Samaritan's Purse are stepping in to help them in this battle. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "Fools mock at sin, but among the upright there is favor." (Proverbs 14:9 NKJV)
5. Evangelicals To Investigate Candidates - American Renewal Project
Watch what they do! As the race begins in the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary, Evangelicals have no choice but to investigate which consultants and operatives are behind each of the candidates: decisions about personnel provide evidences about policy.
The challenge facing Faith-grounded conservatives in 2016 is that candidates-and all those surrounding them, staff and family members-say one thing during the campaign, but then govern in the exact opposite manner once in office.
Moderate Republicans are fond of placing politics before principle-making an argument about electability. On the surface that sounds sly, but the results have been disastrous for the Republican Party - and America. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we stand before You in bewilderment as to how to choose candidates to support when so much deception and deliberate distortions are presented to us. Direct this group as they seek to counter this trend and find the facts so that legitimate choices can be made. We pray this in the Name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.
- "Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge." (Proverbs 14:7 NKJV)
6. Media, Democrats Whine as Trey Gowdy Calls Hillary Clinton to Appear Before House Benghazi Committee - Breitbart
The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Trey Gowdy (R-SC), has asked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to appear before his committee twice during the weeks of May 18 and June 18, according to a report at NBC News.
One of the major topics of discussion will be Clinton's off-the-books email server, which NBC naturally describes as "a centerpiece of Republican attacks on the 2016 presidential candidate." When a Democrat breaks the law, the story is always about the Republicans daring to talk about it, transforming even the most obvious malfeasance into a political food fight. . .
The chairman also observes that if he had settled for a November 2014 appearance from Clinton, the hearing would have taken place before Clinton surrendered any of the correspondence she's been hiding for years and before it became clear that all of her official email was routed through her personal server. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we lift up praise that Trey Gowdy continues to pursue the truth of what happened at Benghazi and to hear the details of Hillary Clinton's involvement in this tragedy. We ask You, Father, to You keep Your warrior angels around Congressman Gowdy for protection and to pour Your strength and shalom into him to support what he is doing. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong." (1 Corinthians 16:13 NKJV)
7. Sen. Warren calls on Obama to declassify trade deal details - Fox News
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is asking President Obama to make public classified information in the international trade deal that he's asking Congress to 'fast track' -- the latest incident in which the populist, first-term Democratic senator appears critical of the president's relationship with Wall Street and big business.
At issue is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, known as the TPP -- a significant deal with 11 Pacific Rim nations that aims to create a free trade zone in the Asia-Pacific region. A letter dated Saturday and co-signed by fellow Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, was written in response to Obama's suggestion that critics of the TPP, specifically Warren, were wrong about the trade deal and "dishonest" when they claim the TPP is a secret deal.
However, Warren and Brown argue in the letter that by deeming the draft text classified and from public view, the Obama administration has, in fact, made the deal secret. "As a result of your administration's decision, it is currently illegal for the press, experts, advocates, or the general public to review the text of this agreement," the letter says. Warren claims in the letter that corporate executives and lobbyists have had opportunities to not only read it, but to shape the terms, and calls for the American people to have the same ability. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we lift up praise that Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is asking that the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement terms be shared with the American people. She is asking that this should not be a secret deal but that what is being agreed upon is open for all to understand before it is finalized. We ask that You confront whomever needs to be confronted so that this request is acted upon and the information is shared. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (John 14:14)
8. This State Just Green-Lighted 24-Hour Abortion Waiting Period for Pregnant Women - Breaking Christian News
The Florida House voted Wednesday in favor of a bill mandating a 24-hour waiting period for pregnant mothers seeking to abort their children. HB 633 is expected to pass the majority-Republican state Senate, and Republican Gov. Rick Scott, whom Florida Right to Life awarded its "Pro-Life Champion Award" in 2013, has expressed support for it. HB 633 passed the state House by a vote of 77 to 41. Six Republicans voted against the bill, and one Democrat voted in favor.
Adolfo J. CastaƱeda, director of Hispanic education at Human Life International in Miami, expressed joy at the passage of the bill. "It's going to help at least to limit the number of abortions in our state," he told LifeSiteNews. The 24-hour waiting period "gives a woman considering an abortion a chance to get to know other alternatives-she can think of the baby, help her, bring her to term, and also get to know the development of the baby in the womb. That's a positive thing." (Read more)
- Abba Father, may this new ruling in Florida for a 24 hour 'waiting period' for abortion be utilized to save and rescue the lives of many unborn babies. We pray this in the Name of Jesus and under His Shed Blood, Amen and Amen.
- "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." (1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV)
9. 40 Days: Treasury Says Debt Has Been Frozen at $18,112,975,000,000 - CNSNews.com
According to the Daily Treasury Statement for Wednesday, April 22, which was published by the U.S. Treasury on Thursday, April 23, that portion of the federal debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress closed the day at $18,112,975,000,000-for the 40th day in a row.
"Because Congress has not yet acted to raise the debt limit," Lew said in his March 13 letter, "the Treasury Department will have to employ further extraordinary measures to continue to finance the government on a temporary basis. Therefore, beginning on March 16, I plan to declare a 'debt issuance suspension period' with respect to investment of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and also suspend the daily reinvestment of Treasury securities held by the Government Securities Investment Fund and the Federal Employees' Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan."(Read more)
- Heavenly Father, according to this article, the US debt level has been held at the same amount for the past 40 days, thereby giving us a false view of our true level of debt. Help us, Father! Raise up Your righteous right hand and extend it over what is being done here. We decree that the Blood bought Cross of Jesus Christ be jammed through these plots and schemes, ripping to bits all deceptive data. We pray this in the Name of Jesus, Amen and Amen.
- "A faithful witness does not lie." (Proverbs 14:5)
10. How does sanctions-ridden Iran find a multibillion war chest to fund 6 armies fighting in 4 Mid East wars? - DEBKAFile
According to figures reaching debkafile in March, Iran is spending a vast fortune - up to an estimated $6-8 billion per year - to keep six armed forces fighting in four Middle East war campaigns for expanding its sphere of influence. Month after month, Tehran forks out close to half a billion dollars - and sometimes more - to keep those conflicts on the boil. How Iran manages to keep this war chest flowing so abundantly from an economy crippled by international sanctions has never been explained.
This arithmetic is testimony to Iran's mysteriously deep pockets. The sanctions the US, Europe and the United Nations clamped down on Tehran clearly had no effect on its willingness and ability to lay out fabulous sums to promote its ambitions as Middle East top dog. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, it appears that the sanctions that are supposed to be restraining Iran have not affected the amount of money they have been spending to incite and provoke war and unrest throughout the Middle East. Father, have mercy upon us by rising up and directing what is to be done to stop this nation which is so bent on destroying Your special land, Israel, and her people. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; oh, deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man! Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God." (Psalm 43:1 and 5 NKJV)
The Middle East in Focus
"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)
1. Israel sending aid teams to Nepal after quake - YahooNews.com
Israel was sending a delegation to Nepal Saturday to determine what help it can offer after the massive earthquake there that claimed more than 2,000 lives, officials said.
The military delegation of "medical, search and rescue, logistics and population assistance professionals" was due to fly out at midnight, an army statement said. A statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said the advance team "will land near the affected zone and make its preparations until it becomes possible to land in Nepal".
Besides offering aid to Nepal, the delegation will also provide Israelis "the means necessary to return to Israel", the statement added. Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said there were "thousands" of Israelis in Nepal, adding that no fatalities among them were reported. (Read more)
2. Nepal: Unprecedented Relief Effort 'Shows Israel's True Face' - Israel National News
As the death toll in Saturday's deadly earthquake passes 2,500, and with over 4,500 injured, Israeli aid teams are among the scores of international partners rushing to Nepal, which is struggling to cope with the sheer number of casualties and scale of damage.
The Israeli government has already dispatched its own team, including six IDF medical experts, a rescue team from the Home Front Command, a team from the IDF Medical Corps, and a representative from the Foreign Ministry. Those personnel will be both the general relief efforts, as well as seeking to locate some 200 or so Israelis currently either missing or stranded in the worst-hit areas.
But the devastating quake - the worst in Nepal for eight decades - has also triggered an unprecedented joint-initiative by some of Israel's leading medical NGOs.
Speaking to Arutz Sheva ahead of his departure to Nepal on Sunday, United Hatzalah's International Operations and Development Coordinator Dovi Meizels took stock of the task ahead of the Israeli team. "It's a unique cooperation between three Israeli emergency agencies, led by us," he said.
It's a mission he says Israel should be proud to lead. "At the risk of sounding cliche I would say it is tikkun olam at its best," he stated, describing it as a display of fundamental Jewish values. As a secondary positive outcome, Meizel notes that such missions also give Israel a unique opportunity to display its "true face" to the world. "People around the world always hear about Israel from the media - that's not the real Israel. This is. "At times like this they see the true, sincere, real face of Israel." (Read more)
3. IDF flying Israeli Babies from Nepal to India - Jerusalem Online
Over 20 Israelis are in Nepal with their newborn babies. This morning they were left without a roof over their heads due to the earthquake. 10 infants and their parents were evacuated into the Israeli embassy in Kathmandu. Israel will evacuate all of the babies and their parents to a hospital in India.
An Israeli source said in this context that "Some babies were born prematurely and their health is not so good. So for us these babies are a priority." "We will send a helicopter from India to Kathmandu so that we can take the whole group and bring the children to the hospital as soon as possible to receive the proper treatment."
Earlier today (Saturday), Israeli Minister of the Interior, Gilad Erdan took every measure possible to make sure that these babies could come to Israel with their parents.
"We were saved, but we need immediate help. We are still stuck here. Ten Israeli families with children and newborn babies. We can not go back to our rooms and apartments because we are afraid they might collapse at any moment. I know that efforts are being made but we have no idea how to get through the night," wrote an Israeli who is now in Nepal. (Read more)
4. Bennett said to drop Foreign Ministry demand in coalition breakthrough - Times of Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looked set to have the pieces needed to cobble together a new governing coalition, after Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett reportedly dropped his demand for the Foreign Ministry Saturday night, likely removing a major stumbling block in coalition talks.
With just over a week to go for Netanyahu to form his coalition, Bennett will ask Likud for control of the Education Ministry instead of the highly coveted Foreign Ministry, which will stay in Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Liberman's hands, according to Hebrew-language media reports.
The move will pave the way for Jewish Home and Yisrael Beytenu to both join a Likud-led government, giving Netanyahu the last pieces he is thought to need to form a coalition. (Read more)
5. Four police officers wounded in Jerusalem terror attack - YnetNews.com
Four police officers were wounded by a car in Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives on Saturday night. Magen David Adom paramedics on the scene treated the four victims; three sustained light injuries. Locals began clashing with police and rocks were thrown at the ambulances called to evacuate the wounded. (Read more)
6. Israel reportedly hits Hezbollah, Assad targets in Syria - Times of Israel
Israel reportedly hit several targets belonging to Hezbollah and the Syrian army in a series of air attacks Saturday morning in the Kalamun area on the border between Syria and Lebanon.
According to a report in the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya, a first Israeli Air Force strike took place Wednesday, allegedly targeting two sites believed to have been Syrian army missile depots.
On Saturday, according to a report in al-Jazeera, the Syrian targets were divisions 155 and 65 of the Assad army, in charge of "strategic weapons." Al-Arabiya reported that the targets were Scud missile depots housed in the military bases. (Read more)
7. Satellite Imagery Reveals Secret Hezbollah Airstrip for Drone Takeoff and Landing - The Algemeiner
Lebanon based terror group Hezbollah has constructed an airstrip in the northern Bekaa Valley for the takeoff and landing of its unmanned aerial vehicles, satellite imagery has revealed. (Read more)
8. Former Commander: Next War With Hamas By End of 2015 - Israel National News
Hamas is definitively preparing for another war against Israel, Brig. Gen. (res.) Zvika Fogel said Friday morning - hours after a rocket fired from Gaza struck the Sha'ar HaNegev region late Thursday night. "Rocket production continues," Fogel, a former head of the IDF's Southern Command, told Army Radio. He predicted another war by "the end of 2015 or early 2016." Part of the problem, he indicated, is that Hamas is purposely neglecting its Palestinian Arab population, goading them into painting Israel as an even bigger scapegoat for their poverty and poor governance. (Read more)
9. Biden: We'll Deliver New F-35s to Israel in 2015 - Israel National News
Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday the United States would deliver new F-35 fighter jets to Israel next year, saying the move would help the Jewish state maintain its military edge in the Middle East.
The comments by Biden, quoted by Reuters, were made at a celebration in honor of Israel's 67th Independence Day at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. The Vice President described the aircraft as "our finest, making Israel the only country in the Middle East to have this fifth-generation aircraft." Vowing the United States would make sure Israel maintained its "qualitative edge," Biden told the audience, "Next year, we will deliver to Israel the F-35." (Read more)
Statement by Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham's Message To Muslims:
"Leave America and go to a Muslim Country"
Franklin Graham just made this message to Muslims: "leave America and go to a Muslim country."
He said this in response to the University of Maryland canceling a screening of the film, American Sniper, and declared this sentiments on his Facebook page, in which he said:
Can you believe that the University of Maryland canceled a screening of the movie American Sniper after Muslim students complained?
This afternoon, I'm going to meet with wounded military veterans and their spouses who served this nation with honor-fighting to preserve our freedoms and many times shedding their own blood. Chris Kyle was an American hero. It's brave soldiers like these that make all of the freedoms we enjoy possible.
Shame on the University of Maryland for listening to these voices! If these Muslim students can't support the military members who do their job to protect us, let them leave America and go to a Muslim country. God bless America and our heroes! SHARE this if you agree. (Freedom Outpost) Read more.
- Abba Father, we continue to lift up Franklin Graham in praise and asking for Your special protection! He stands tall and declares Your truths, confronting issues that need to be spoken forth. We thank You for strengthening and directing him. We ask this in Jesus' Name and under His Shed Blood, Amen and Amen
- "I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart." (Psalm 40:8 NKJV)
Thursday: National Day of Repentance
Thursday, April 30th:
National Day of Repentance
(Visit their website here.)
The National Day of Repentance (NDR) will take place this Thursday, April 30th, followed by seven days of prayer and fasting leading up to the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 7th.
The founder of NDR, Pastor Jeff Daly, is encouraging all of us to join with 2 or 3 others (or more!) that day to read aloud the NATIONAL PRAYER OF REPENTANCE, below. We are asking our Lord to raise up 1,789 groups who will gather together that day, in honor of the year our Constitution was signed: 1789.
It is exciting to note that many other nations have now come alongside the United States in their own time of prayer and fasting, on the same dates, to pray for America and to ask the Lord to "strengthen the hands of those who turn the battle at the gates" in our land, according to Isaiah 28:6. Thank You, Lord!
We will have more information for you about the National Day of Repentance on our next issue of the Daily Brief, to be posted on Wednesday, April 30th. Until then, here is the NATIONAL PRAYER OF REPENTANCE.
Declaration Prayer for America April 30, 2015
Almighty God our Savior, Strength and Shield, our lands and all people gathered here are Yours. We ask You to forgive our sin and hear our hearts, as we cry out to You for our Nation.
We declare, and raise Your Name, Jehovah Nissi, as the only banner over us, just as those who came before us have done.
Father, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we speak against the things holding back this Nation, and "those who are called to salvation."
We break the Power of Pride, Lies and Lust, Mammon and Idolatry, of Fear and Doubt, Sickness and Death, Unbelief and the Occult in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Using the keys to the Kingdom that Jesus gave us in Matthew 18:18, we close and lock, seal and bind these gates of the anti-Christ over our Nation. We Loose, Melt and Dissolve them on the earth, and in the heavenly realms.
We ask, Father, that through our repentance and worship, in the Name and by the Blood of Jesus/Yeshua Messiah, for the Flood Gates of Heaven to open over America . . . to bring Repentance and Salvation, Truth and Faith, Wholeness and Life in all its abundance.
We ask You, Lord, to thrust out laborers into Your harvest field, and pray for the powerful proclamation of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ across this Land to bring an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit, and the return of those who once knew Your love.
Summon Your Power, oh God, and show us Your strength as You have done before, for Your chariots are tens of thousands and thousands upon thousands.
Arise, oh God, and speak the Word and scatter all Your enemies, that Your "Name be kept Holy."
We ask it in Jesus' glorious Name. Amen.
Wednesday: Honor "Washington: A Man of
"Washington, A Man of Prayer"
Special Prayer Service to Take Place in Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol Building on Wednesday, April 29th.
Available for viewing across the nation online!
About: "Washington, A Man of Prayer"
Washington - A Man of Prayer commemorates the events of April 30, 1789, when, after being sworn in at Federal Hall, President Washington, accompanied by Congress, proceeded to St. Paul's Chapel where, as one of his first official acts, the president offered a prayer of dedication to God on America's behalf. On that day, the world saw more than just the inauguration of the president of a new nation; it witnessed a watershed moment in history when the ideals penned in ink on parchment at Philadelphia's Continental Congress would preserve what sword and patriots' blood had inscribed on the field of battle.
Three years ago, with the help of my good friend Representative Louie Gohmert, I presented the idea of this commemoration to Speaker of the House John Boehner. For the fourth consecutive year, Speaker Boehner has granted us use of prestigious Statuary Hall, formerly the Old House Chamber, which was the location of weekly Christian church services from 1800 to 1869. It was actually the largest church on the east coast. Legislation allowing that use was signed into law by President Thomas Jefferson who attended there as did President Adams after him. These past three years, God has allowed us to do something that has not occurred in the Capitol's Statuary Hall in over 100 years - a Christian led prayer event!
This event celebrates 226 triumphant years of the American Experiment and the exceptional man who most embodied the dream of all men - the freedom to self-govern. On April 29, 2015, members of Congress, Christian leaders, and people of faith in homes and churches across the nation will join together to honor Washington as a man of Christian faith. Together, we will offer prayers on behalf of the nation, our President and his Cabinet, the Supreme Court and its Justices, and members of Congress.
his year, on April 29 2015, Washington - A Man of Prayer is pleased to announce Honorary Hosts, Representative Randy Forbes and Senator James Lankford. The program will be available via Daystar Television Network and internet streaming proudly provided by WND.com to homes and churches all across America for the first time. I believe the impact of this event could be a spiritual turning point for the nation as Americans witness Senators and members of Congress reaching out to God in penitent prayers from inside the nation's Capitol.
Dan Cummins
Originator, Washington A Man of Prayer
Watch on DayStar Television! Daystar Television Network broadcast of Washington - A Man of Prayer 2015:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Learn more here.
"I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection. - George Washington"
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In His Grace, and with our appreciation,
Sara Ballenger, President
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Songs Our Grandmothers Sang
Songs Our Grandmothers Sang:
"Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations."
(Psalm 90:1)
Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.
Under the shadow of Thy throne
Thy saints have dwelt secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.
Thy Word commands our flesh to dust,
"Return, ye sons of men:"
All nations rose from earth at first,
And turn to earth again.
A thousand ages in Thy sight
Are like an evening gone;
Short as the watch that ends the night
Before the rising sun.
The busy tribes of flesh and blood,
With all their lives and cares,
Are carried downwards by the flood,
And lost in following years.
Time, like an ever rolling stream,
Bears all its sons away;
They fly, forgotten, as a dream
Dies at the opening day.
Like flowery fields the nations stand
Pleased with the morning light;
The flowers beneath the mower's hand
Lie withering ere 'tis night.
Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Be Thou our guard while troubles last,
And our eternal home.
Go here.
About the Author:
Words: Isaac Watts, 1719
Music: William Croft, 1708
About the Hymn:
This hymn was sung at the funeral of former British prime minister Winston Churchill in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, 1965.
Our Weekly Bible Study
Our Weekly Bible Study:
Week of Sunday, April 26 - Saturday, May 2, 2015
> > > To read the "One Year Bible" weekly letter, go here.
> > > To read the Shabbat Torah readings, go here.
Worship With Us Today!
Worship With Us Today!
By Marty Goetz
Worship Him with Marty Goetz here.
(Invitation to join His secure dwelling place, His defense, His protection)
Two Daily Conference Calls
Please note that the national prayer call continues every night with different leaders from different intercession ministries each night.
These prayer calls will be held nightly at 9PM EST. Please join us by calling 1-857-232-0156; access 377054. Please sign on 15 minutes early so we can be ready to pray at 9PM.
This call sponsored by Breaker of Dawn has been going on since Sept 9, 2014 and every night it is a Psalm 133 call with different ministries joining together and most every night there are intercessors that represent our entire nation.
For details, go here.
A second conference call is now available daily (except on Sundays) at 11:30 a.m. EST. Sponsored by the Salt and Light Council, the focus of the daily "Repentance and Reformation" calls is to pray for all in authority.
You are cordially invited to join these calls by dialing 712-432-1699/ Access code 338083#
To learn more, please visit their website at:
> > > Day and night, in these perilous times, let's join forces on these calls to cry out unto God for His mercy to be shown to America and to Israel. Thank you!