Next weekend: the March of Remembrance!
Go here.
Daily Prayers for the Supreme Court Case
on Gay Marriage, posted by FRC. Go here.
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Daily Prayers for the Supreme Court Case
on Gay Marriage, posted by FRC. Go here.
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
"A National Prayer Alliance"
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970
The Daily Brief:
"Praying for All in Authority"
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
"You, Lord, are my lamp; the Lord turns my darkness into light."
(2 Samuel 22:29)
The Daily Brief
1. Congress finally takes up 'high crimes and misdemeanors' - WND
Saying he and his constituents are tired of presidents violating the Constitution to achieve their political goals, a Florida congressman is bringing forth legislation to define "high crimes and misdemeanors" and what actions ought to trigger impeachment proceedings against a president.
"Every time we go back to the district and even before I ran, people said, 'The three branches of government are out of balance. When is Congress going to stand up and have some accountability and rein in the power of the executive branch?'" said Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla.
The congressman said the thirst for power in the executive branch is a longstanding problem that's only getting worse. "The executive branch has been growing stronger and stronger over the past two or three decades, but this administration with President Obama seems to be on steroids," said Yoho, who argued that enough is enough. (Read more)
- Father God, we praise You that at least one member of Congress is finally taking action to begin to define and articulate the out-of-balance situation we now face in our federal government. We ask for great favor and grace to fall upon Rep. Yoho, as well as Your protection over him. We ask that there will arise within the halls of Congress a great groundswell of support for this measure, and for other actions to follow. We ask that the president be "reined in" now and brought back under control, to serve in his office as the Constitution requires. We ask all of this in Jesus' name, amen and amen.
- "For the Lord is our judge,
the Lord is our lawgiver,
the Lord is our king;
it is he who will save us." (Isaiah 33:22)
2. Obama's Iranian-born adviser 'architect' of deal? - WND
NEW YORK - Critics of the Obama administration's diplomatic clash with Israel and tilt toward Iran, resulting in a nuclear "framework agreement" to be finalized by the end of June, have pointed to the influence of top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett, who was born in Iran.
Retired Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin, former deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, spotlighted Jarrett's influence in a Fox News interview in February.
"There are many who are now saying that [Jarrett] is really the architect of this non-treaty with the Iranians," he said, "which ultimately will result in the Iranians having a nuclear program, and America having to accept a nuclear-armed Iran." (Read more)
- Lord God, many of us have wondered about Ms. Jarrett -- where she came from and how she can have worked her way into such a powerful position inside the White House. Others have suggested that she serves as an "agent" of the Moslem Brotherhood.
Lord God, only You know all the details of this woman's life, and the details of her agenda at present. We thank You, Lord, that You died and You shed Your Blood on the Cross of Calvary for her redemption. We ask You to forgive her and to bring her unto You in a marvelous move of divine grace in her life . . . just as You have done for each of us. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers, in Jesus' name, amen and amen.
- "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) "To him belong strength and insight; both deceived and deceiver are his." (Job 12:16)
3. Military strike against Iran with minimal fallout for Israel possible, US senator says - Jerusalem Post
The Republican US senator behind a letter to the Iranian leadership warning that future presidents may not honor any deal that President Barack Obama signs with Tehran said Monday that he believes pinpoint strikes against Iran could be carried out without leading to a long war for the US or regional fallout against Israel.
Speaking in an interview with Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, Sen Tom Cotton (R-AR) warned however, that if a nuclear deal was signed with Iran, and the Islamic Republic was allowed to become a nuclear-armed state, than the likely outcome would be nuclear war with Iran. He referenced previous statements made by former prime minister Ehud Barak, that "it would just take one night" to launch an effective strike to set back Iran's nuclear program. (Read more)
- Father, we intercede over this nuclear deal with Iran. Protect us from bad decisions made, regarding Iran. Keep our country safe and free from all attacks. Give our leaders keen insight when making any deals with Iran. We pray You fill our leaders with all knowledge, and spiritual wisdom and understanding. In Jesus Name.
- For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; (Colossians 1:9-10)
4. US suspects Iran trying to deliver surface-to-air missiles to Houthis (in Yemen) - Times of Israel
American destroyer boards ship in Red Sea believed to be carrying game-changing weapons which could threaten Saudi-led airstrikes, WSJ reports.
he US suspects Iran is attempting to supply Houthi rebels in Yemen with surface-to-air missiles and an American destroyer this month boarded a Panamanian-flagged ship in the Read Sea it thought was carrying such weapons aimed for the war-torn country.
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, this particular search came up empty but US officials were saying it was part of a campaign to stop Iran, a backer of the Shiite Houthis in Yemen, from supplying such game-changing weapons that could present a challenge to Saudi-led airstrikes. (Read more)
- Father, why would our leaders consider a nuclear deal with Iran when Iran is suspected of delivering these missiles to rebels. We pray mercy, mercy over any deal with Iran. Help our leaders, we pray! You are a God of the breakthrough. Breakthrough and bring victory from any trap and deception by Iran.
- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].(Ephesians 6:12)
5. Senate Foreign Relations Committee To Hold Hearings today on Obama's "Iran Deal" - The Hill
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will vote tomorrow on S. 615, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee plans a markup on Tuesday of a bill to delay the implementation of a deal with Iran for 60 days to allow Congress to review it.
A handful of Democrats may support the bill in committee despite objections from the White House, which opposes any bill passed before international negotiators produce a final deal by June 30, over concerns it could jeopardize the process.
Some Democrats have indicated that they want to amend the legislation, such as removing language requiring the administration to certify that Iran no longer supports terrorism and authorizing the president to roll back sanctions without having to wait for Congress to approve the deal. (Read more)
IMPORTANT! SEE BELOW: "CALL SENATORS NOW" - written by Gary Bauer. Your action is needed now!
- Father God, we ask that Your wisdom would rest upon the members of this Senate Committee as they meet today to write a bill that would address this very serious matter. As the Prime Minister of Israel told Congress last month: "No deal is better than a bad deal," we ask that those words of counsel and wisdom would resonate in the hearts of these committee members today. We ask for Your will to be done by the United States Senate, when the final bill comes to the floor for a vote by all members, later this month. We ask this in Jesus' name, amen and amen.
- "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10)
6. U.S. warns of giant Chinese naval buildup: 'Major qualitative improvements' - Washington Times
China has deployed a new high-speed anti-ship cruise missile and is sharply expanding an armada of advanced guided-missile warships and submarines, according to a naval intelligence report made public Thursday.
The Office of Naval Intelligence, in its first unclassified assessment of the Chinese navy in six years, revealed deployment of the new YJ-18 supersonic anti-ship cruise missile on warships and submarines that analysts say poses a major threat to U.S. and allied vessels. China's current naval force of 300 surface ships, submarines, amphibious ships, and missile-armed patrol craft is rapidly expanding, the report says.
According to the report, China began building or launched more than 60 naval ships and vessels last year, and a similar number of warships are under construction or deployed for 2015. "Major qualitative improvements are occurring within naval aviation and the submarine force, which are increasingly capable of striking targets hundreds of miles from the Chinese mainland," the report said, adding that despite some shortfalls, "it is emerging as a well equipped and competent force." (Read more)
- Father, with this knowledge of China expanding its naval force, cause the Obama administration to see that now is not the time to be reducing our military. Bring much wisdom to this administration, and may they act on Your wisdom. Soften their hearts and protect them from being stiff-necked. In Jesus Name.
- Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed--without remedy. (Proverbs 29:1)
7. Official: Unclassified White House Computers Vulnerable to Hackers - VOA
The White House acknowledged Tuesday that the unclassified computer systems at the U.S. presidential mansion were vulnerable to hackers. Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, made the remarks in response to media reports that Russian hackers got access to some sensitive White House information, such as President Barack Obama's private schedule.
Rhodes would not confirm that sensitive information had been accessed, nor would he comment on where the threat originated. But, he said, "There's always vulnerability,'' which is why the White House operates a separate, secure system for classified data. "We have classified systems that are secure and we take regular precautions to secure our own classified networks as well. I think we were very up front in acknowledging a cyber intrusion last year, so that is not new. We don't talk about where cyber intrusions originate from because we are constantly taking actions to prevent them," Rhodes told reporters. (Read more)
- Father, protect our computer systems from hackers. Give us the knowledge and skill to secure our systems from being vulnerable to those who would try to gain access to sensitive information. Place wise men in these positions to secure our computer systems; men of knowledge and strength.
- A wise man [is] strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. (Proverbs 24:5)
8. Drastic Reduction in Food Stamp Use After Maine Begins Work Requirements - Townhall.com
Maine has already seen a drastic reduction in the number of able-bodied adults with no children that are collecting food stamps from the state thanks to new rules put in place by Republican Gov. Paul LePage's administration. Before January 1, there were roughly 12,000 adults in the program, but after work and volunteer requirements were put in place late last year, the number of participants in the program dropped to 2,680 as of March.
The goal of the new requirements is to encourage people to find work, DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew told the Associated Press. "If you're on these programs it means you are living in poverty and so the more that we can help incentivize people on that pathway to employment and self-sufficiency the better off they're going to be," she said. (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we lift up praise that the state of Maine is enforcing this work requirement for citizens who are capable of working to do so to be able to receive food stamps. We know from Your Word that work is an honorable thing and is beneficial to the worker, so may this kind of requirement be enforced across our nation for this kind of benefit. We pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
- "Whoever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from his house." (Proverbs 17:3)
9. 'Harbinger' author to speak at United Nations - WND
It starts as harassment in some countries. It can quickly escalate to more overt forms of hostility, church burnings and imprisonment, torture, death.
In many countries, especially in the Middle East and Africa, the threat comes from an Islamic government or from Islamic zealots given free rein by the government.
But whatever form it takes, the problem of Christian persecution, while getting more media attention of late, is still being ignored by the most powerful government on earth - the one residing in Washington, D.C.
Christian author Jonathan Cahn, known for his two books about the future of America, "The Harbinger" and "The Mystery of the Shemitah," will bring the issue to the United Nations in New York on April 17, hoping to shine a brighter light on the atrocities being committed in the name of Allah.
Cahn will be joined on the conference panel by WND board member Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin, Brigitte Gabriel, founder of ACT! For America, WND columnist William Federer, and others.
"I will be sharing on the persecution of Christians around the world - appealing to those at the U.N. to not sit by as it happens," Cahn told WND. (Read more)
- Abba Father, we thank You that not only Jonathan Cahn, but all other distinguished spokesman named on this panel, will address the United Nations this Friday on behalf of the persecuted church. We ask that their words would pierce the hearts of those present, leading to definite actions to address and to alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters across the world today. In Jesus' name, amen.
- "The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous." (Proverbs 15:29)
The Middle East in Focus
"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)
1. Saudi Arabia, Turkey Discussing Unlikely Alliance To Oust Syria's Assad - Huffington Post
Turkey and Saudi Arabia, two nations with a long history of rivalry, are in high-level talks with the goal of forming a military alliance to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to sources familiar with the discussions.
The talks are being brokered by Qatar. As the partnership is currently envisioned, Turkey would provide ground troops, supported by Saudi Arabian airstrikes, to assist moderate Syrian opposition fighters against Assad's regime, according to one of the sources.
President Barack Obama was made aware of the talks in February by the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al Thani, during the emir's visit to the White House, one source said. A White House spokesperson declined to comment.
2. Russia lifts ban on S-300 missile deliveries to Iran - Jerusalem Post
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday paved the way for long-overdue missile system deliveries to Iran and Moscow started an oil-for-goods swap with Tehran, showing the Kremlin's determination to boost economic ties with the Islamic Republic.
The moves come after world powers, including Russia, reached an interim deal with Iran on curbing its nuclear program and signal that Moscow may have a head-start in the race to benefit from an eventual lifting of sanctions on Tehran.
The Kremlin said Putin signed a decree lifting Russia's own ban on the delivery of S-300 anti-missile rocket system to Iran, removing a major irritant between the two after Moscow cancelled a corresponding contract in 2010 under pressure from the West. (Read more)
3. Israeli Officials: Iran Massively Ramping Up Arming of Hezbollah in Preparation for Major Assault on Israel - Algemeiner
Senior Israeli officials warned on Monday evening that, over the last few weeks, Iran has considerably stepped up its operations to arm Hezbollah in order to prepare its terrorist proxy for a large-scale conflict with Israel.
According to the officials, cited by Israel's Channel 2, new intelligence has revealed that Tehran has accelerated its proxy war with Israel on all fronts. Iranian delegations have been arriving in the Gaza Strip, and in recent months, the commander of Iran's Basij paramilitary volunteer militia spoke of arming the residents of the West Bank to rise up against Israel. Iran has reportedly already begun arming members of Hamas in the West Bank. (Read more)
4. Israeli Official Says Hamas Will Fire Massive Volleys of Rockets in Next War - Algemeiner
An Israeli Defense Forces official claims Hamas will up the ante in future conflicts with Israel by launching massive barrages of rockets in order to successfully overwhelm the Jewish state's Iron Dome missile defense system and target sites in Israel.
The official made the comments last week via the Israeli website 0404 News, informing that the Gaza-based militant group's volleys will be targeting population centers, public facilities, military targets, and factories. (Read more)
5. Jordan: Israeli Airport Near Eilat is Too Close to Aqaba - Israel National News
Jordan on Sunday expressed concerns over air traffic safety as it restated its opposition to the construction of an Israeli international airport near the coastal city of Aqaba, AFP reports.
Ali Odaibat, a spokesman for the Jordanian Transport ministry, told the official Petra news agency Jordan had notified the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) about its concerns over the Israeli project and to "stress Jordan's keenness to protect its airspace." (Read more)
6. European Parliament chief urges citizens to fight anti-Semitism, racism - Israel Hayom
Martin Schulz speaks at ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald, says "To honor the victims . . . we want to fight the return of demons that we thought were overcome but which still show their ugly face." (Read more)
The Daily Jot
Monday, April 13, 2015
Birds of a feather
This past weekend, the US "president" met with the "president" of Cuba. While both are "presidents" of their respective countries, one is elected and the other is a dictator. One has been behaving illegally like a dictator, the other just assumed power from his dictator brother. This marked the first official meeting of the US and Cuban leaders since the communist takeover of Cuba in the 1960s and the infamous Cuban missile crisis in 1962. The two had a "kumbya" moment where they both faced the news media and agreed that they would work to thaw relations between the two countries, and in some areas, "agree to disagree." Cuban dictator Raul Castro, however, revealed an intimacy that should raise eyebrows.
In a speech before the historic meeting, Castro reviewed his version of Latin American history, blaming America for thousands of deaths, imperialism and the cause of poverty through a list of biased revisionism. He admitted that from an "imperialist viewpoint," Cuba has acted in solidarity with terrorists, but only from a position as a humanitarian. When finished, he said, "The passion comes out of my pores when the revolution is involved, but I want to apologize to [sic to the US president] because he doesn't have anything to do with all of that. All (the previous US presidents) are indebted to us, but not [sic this US president]," who is an "honest man ... with a manner about him that speaks to his humble origins."
Let us remember August 2008 when Fidel Castro endorsed either Hillary Clinton or the current "president" for US President. In October 2008, the Communist Party USA endorsed the current "president" as did the Democratic Socialists of America. Also in October 2008, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Ari Larijani, endorsed the current US "president," saying he would meet face to face with leaders of Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria and Cuba "without preconditions," and that he is more flexible and rational. In June 2012, the current US "president" was endorsed by Raul Castro's daughter, while she was in the US advocating for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights.
The US "president" has broken protocol of previous presidents by directly negotiating with a terrorist-sponsoring state, Iran--whose "president" is not elected; provided US assistance to terrorist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda, and indirect support to the Islamic State. There is an old saying that "Birds of a feather, flock together." 'Sounds like these birds have been flocking together for longer than we knew. There is also a an ancient nugget of wisdom in 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Be not deceived: evil companions corrupt good morals." With the US "president," his administration and the company he keeps, one has to wonder who is corrupting who? And at what expense?
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Daily Jot Part 2
Daily Jot, Tuesday, April 14
Hillary says she fought against children and families--yep!
The announcement to run for President of the United States is very important. It is the first time for a campaign to introduce or reintroduce the candidate to the public, to dream a little with Americans, to establish the type of candidacy and issues the campaign will have going forward. Such is the case with Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton's announcement that she is running for President did not disappoint--unless you are a Christian American hoping for a change in the Democratic Party. The UK Daily Mail focused its analysis of the Hillary Clinton campaign announcement on her massive wealth accumulation since being in politics and how this most important campaign announcement was botched.
First, the timing. Timing is everything.Clinton's Chief of Staff John Podesta upstaged her announcement with his own email to a group of donors, saying, "I wanted to make sure you heard it first from me -- it's official: Hillary's running for president." Podesta is the founder of the Center for American Progress--a leftist, socialist-oriented Washington DC think tank, noted for guiding the current "president's" domestic and foreign policies. Podesta was also the chief of staff for former President Bill Clinton. This signals to the American public, who care to dig deep enough to find out, that the same hallmark policies of the current Administration will be waiting in the wings of the White House should Clinton win.
The second mistake is a little more telling. The UK Mail reports that Hillary's campaign announcement stated: "From her mother's own childhood--in which she was abandoned by her parents--to her work going door-to-door for the Children's Defense Fund to her battling to create the Children's Health Insurance Program, she's fought children and families all her career." Catch that?--"... she's fought children and families all her career." Indeed, this is more true than not. Clinton has been a radical advocate of Planned Parenthood (translated abortion), the homosexual political agenda, and a promoter of Islam. What is more detrimental to children and families than that combination? She is an advocate for family destruction.
Clinton's campaign ran an ad to demonstrate her statement. AFP reports "When Jared Milrad and Nate Johnson participated in a video about "big changes," they had no idea their same-sex wedding plans would feature in Sunday's campaign launch by Hillary Clinton." There you go. A person running for the highest office of the land cannot control her chief of staff in messaging, her announcement had a major typo, and her platform is more the same of what we have. This exposes her lack of care for the position and her assumptions toward Americans. Deuteronomy 32:28-29 says, "For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!" Be wise with understanding and discernment. Do not be deceived.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
Prayers for Attorneys at the Supreme Court
We prayed for the attorneys defending marriage last week (see Day #5). Let us now pray for the attorneys arguing for same-sex marriage: Mary L. Bonauto and Doug Hallward-Driemeier.
Mary Bonauto, long time gay rights advocate, will argue that the 14th Amendment requires a State to license marriages between two people of the same sex; Doug Hallward-Driemeier, who has led many high-level appeals, will argue that the 14th Amendment requires states to recognize marriages between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed elsewhere.
To read this entire article, including prayer requests and verses to decree, please go here.
(Source: Rev. Pierre Bynum, Chaplain, Family Resarch Council)
Call Senators Now!
Call Senators Now!
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will vote tomorrow on S. 615, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015. These senators need to hear from the American people now.
Members of the Foreign Relations Committee include:
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) -- 202-224-3344Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) -- 202-224-2752
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) -- 202-224-3041
Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) -- 202- 224-5323
Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) -- 202-224-4521
Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) -- 202-224-5941
Senator David Perdue (R-GA) -- 202-224-3521
Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) -- 202-224-3643 Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) -- 202-224-4343
Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) -- 202-224-6441
Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) -- 202-224-4524
Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) -- 202-224-4744
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) -- 202-224-3553
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) -- 202-224-2841
Senator Christopher Coons (D-DE) -- 202-224-5042
Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) -- 202-224-6621
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) -- 202- 224-4041
Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) -- 202-224-4024
Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) -- 202-224-2742
If you are represented by any of these senators, call now. They need to know that you demand a voice on the critically important issue of Iran's nuclear weapons program. Tell them that Congress and the American people should have a say. Urge them to support S. 615, the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.
Please do not be intimidated. This is not a hard call to make. No one will argue with you. Your opinion will be noted, and it does make a difference!
Once again . . . thank you!
. . . 361 phone call connections were made, during the eleven hours of the call, logging in total time of 24,012 minutes.
Greetings Passover Prayer Surge Participants!
It was an honor and privilege to work with this amazing team of intercessors! May all glory, honor and praise go to Yeshua HaMashiach, our soon coming king!
I believe this night was more strategic than we realize. When we get to December of 2015, and look back at the events that transpire from the summer and fall of 2015, we will see with 20/20 hindsight truly how strategic this night of prayer on Passover night and the night of the blood moon was--even to the saving of lives.
Thank YOU one and all for your passion, your fervency, and your heart felt prayers on behalf of Israel and for all His remnant people who are scattered to all the nations of the earth!
The prayers of repentance, I believe really moved Abba's heart and His hand and were pleasing to Him. May He remember MERCY in the midst of judgment for His remnant people!
Thank you one and all for your participation! Now we get to watch and see how Abba will answer these many prayers!
Blessings n shalom,
Laura Densmore
Dear Team,
(Insert sound of shofar HERE . . .)
To God be the Glory!
The move of the SPIRIT, the burden for ISRAEL, and the UNITY of the BODY was fully evident throughout our nine-hour call last night AND this morning; with a STRONG FINALE as Dai Sup hosted another Saturday morning PrayerSurgeNow conference call with key topics addressed, too.
And, in closing, a special thanks goes to LAURA DENSMORE for casting this vision for all of us and for her work in organizing the Surge, AND to our dear friend, DAI SUP HAN, who released his own phone line that night and "wrapped up" the Surge into the next day.
ALSO, a special thanks, too, to the team planted in ISRAEL, headed by Robert and Marcelyn Brecka, who called forth repentance for their people in that first hour on the land!
My prayer now is that Abba will reward EACH OF YOU in the way only He can do . . . in the days to come. Amen!
Sara Ballenger
Dear Sara, Laura & Team:
Thank you for allowing Prayer Surge NOW! to partner with y'all for Passover Prayer Surge.
It is quite amazing when several streams choose to merge as a mighty river. I believe Yeshua was glorified through our united prayer and major shifts are occurring in Israel, Ukraine, America, etc.
May we continue to intercede as Jews & Gentiles TOGETHER as The ONE NEW Man for the Peace of Jerusalem & Salvation of Israel. Shalom.
Together in Christ,
Dai Sup
> > > In case you had to miss this event. you can listen to the first 4 hours of the surge, posted below.
This link records the first two hours.
This link is the recording of the second two hours.
Our Weekly Bible Study
Our Weekly Bible Study:
Week of Sunday, April 12 - Saturday, April 18
> > > To read the "One Year Bible" weekly letter, go here.
> > > To read the Shabbat Torah readings, go here.
The Good News Corner
Actress Fights the Good Fight for Christ in Hollywood
Hollywood Prayer Network and other ministries reach out to believers in Hollywood, offering support
When Mimi Sagadin got her first role on a Hollywood set as actress Emma Thompson's stand-in, she was ecstatic. She never dreamed God would help her fulfill her childhood dream of becoming an actress. Yet she remembered the real reason she was there when an unbeliever on the set joked that they might as well "hurry up and die to see what's on the other side."
Without missing a beat, Sagadin replied, "I know what's on the other side." The ensuing conversation was a divine appointment that opened the door to sharing the gospel. She recounts a number of similar opportunities, several of which resulted in people making commitments to Christ. Sagadin compares her most recent role as Corrie ten Boom in Return to the Hiding Place to Moses' encounter with God at the burning bush. It reminded her of her call: to be an ambassador for Christ in Hollywood.
"We want to be infiltrators," Sagadin says. "We want to be the rivers in the desert of Hollywood."
After all, Hollywood is the world's most influential mission field. Few other industries reach as many people groups around the world. Christians making faith-based films have the chance to produce excellent work that impacts viewers with biblical truths, and on secular sets they have numerous opportunities to share their faith.
One young Christian actor, much to his executive producer's chagrin, inspired his co-workers to stop cursing on the set simply by showcasing Christ with a pure life.
Being a Christian in Hollywood, though, is no walk in the park. Some of the biggest struggles are isolation and depression. Few people working in Hollywood can earn enough to live without a supplemental income. Because of the intense competition and frequent rejections for roles, Christian actors can quickly get discouraged.
In response, Karen Covell started the Hollywood Prayer Network (hollywoodprayer network.org) in 2001, giving Christian actors and filmmakers an opportunity to connect with a prayer partner. Covell says she tries "to get (believers in Hollywood) connected with other people, to stay strong in their faith, so that they're ready to deal with the spiritual temptation."
This is also why Covell strongly encourages Hollywood Christians to get plugged in to a local church. With that support, they are more effective for Christ in their work and in impacting hearts.
"We will never see a change in the content of Hollywood until we see a change in the hearts of those creating content," Covell says.
Yes, Christians exist in Hollywood, and they desperately need our prayers. They are on the frontlines of a battlefield that Satan does not want to give up. We as Christians can be supportive of our brothers and sisters in Hollywood by getting behind them, giving financially and, above all, interceding for them. (Charisma; Breaking Christian News) Read more here.
Songs Our Grandmothers Sang
Songs Our Grandmothers Sang:
"That which you have hold fast till I come."
(Revelation 2:25)
In these perilous times, when all that can be shaken is being shaken, let us return to the "faith of our fathers" and sing the hymns and songs of old.
May we each draw strength in our own time, as we "dig the wells of treasure" to draw upon the strength that carried our ancestors through their own perilous times. Amen.
Ho, my comrades! see the signal waving in the sky!
Reinforcements now appearing, victory is nigh.
Refrain "Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jesus signals still;
Wave the answer back to Heaven, "By Thy grace we will."
See the mighty host advancing, Satan leading on;
Mighty ones around us falling, courage almost gone!
See the glorious banner waving! Hear the trumpet blow!
In our Leader's Name we triumph over ev'ry foe.
Fierce and long the battle rages, but our help is near;
Onward comes our great Commander, cheer, my comrades, cheer!
(Unavailable online; please refer to hymnal in your church . . . if you still have one!)
About the Author:
Words & Music: Philip P. Bliss, 1870
About the Hymn:
This song was borne out of the American Civil War, during Sherman's march to the sea. Please go here for details
Signs and Wonders
Sprawling more than 120,000 km from end to end, the sunspot group has several dark cores as large as Earth. Of greater interest is the region's potential for flares. AR2321 has an unstable "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field that harbors energy for strong eruptions.
Of greater interest is the region's potential for flares. AR2321 has an unstable "beta-gamma-delta" magnetic field that harbors energy for strong eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of M-class flares and a 20% chance of X-flares on April 13th. (Spaceweather.com) Read more here.
Today's Birthday
Today's Birthday on the Hill
Today we wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to:
Rep. David Valadao (CA)
God bless you!
Worship With Us Today!
Worship With Us Today!
A Somber Song of Repentance:
"Daniel's Prayer"
To listen to the words of Daniel, set to music, please go here.
Submitted by the Hebrew Nation News Network.