Monday, September 14, 2015

CHPP Sunday Evening, September 13, 2015 . . . L'SHANA TOVAH!! Happy Jewish New Year: 5776!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Why Are We Abiding in Christ?

Learning to Remain in the Spirit in Potentially Troubled Times:

A Message at the End of the Shemitah Year

Written by Carol Bo Howell

Sunday Evening, September 13, 2015

Happy Jewish New Year: 5776!


Dear Friends,

Carol Bo Howell is one of our long-time prayer partners with an excellent teaching ministry as well.

This morning, I received the following message from Carol, marking the end of this Shemitah year and sharing what the Lord is speaking to all of us in this very special hour.
Carol has granted me permission to share her thoughts with all of you, even as we seek Him ever more deeply in this month of intensive activity in the Spirit.

Thank you, Carol!

Also, we want to take this opportunity to wish God's best to all of you who are celebrating the New Year on the Hebrew Calendar: 5776.

The Message for the Shemitah

The Message for the Shemitah:



September 13, 2015

Although we have heard and studied the facts of Shemitah, and all of the spiritual omens, and world affairs and events, which seem to loom into the Month of September, we cannot forget that we live in the New Covenant with Jesus and His finished work for those who believe.

Staying in the Spirit realm and hearing from The Spirit, responding to His counsel and thanking The Father for what He has done, is doing, and will do, are our priorities.

It is my understanding that we cannot understand all that HE has done, is doing, and will do for His Own who turn to Him trust in Him and love Him. But we can learn to really know Him.

Then, if we KNOW Him, we can put our trust in Him . . . His infinite, glorious Mind and love for us . . . and the power of His Mighty Hand and His Outstretched Arm, even as it was when Israel came out of Egypt, and is the same today. He so ordered "Tabernacles" for this. (Please see Jeremiah 32:20;27.)

A key for increasing trust is found in Proverbs 22:17-21

"Bow down your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart unto My knowledge. "For it is a good thing if you keep them within you, they shall withal be FITTED to your lips. "That your TRUST may be in The Lord, I have made known to you this day, - especially to you. "Have I not written to you excellent things in counsels and knowledge . . . "that I might make you KNOW the CERTAINTY of the Words of TRUTH; "that you may answer the words of TRUTH to them that send to you?"

One way to apply your heart to His knowledge is to read His Word; and even more amplification comes when you pray in the Spirit as you read. Even still more amplification comes when you spend time praying in the Spirit and know that This Holy Counsellor is speaking God's hidden words to you and to the objects of your prayer. He Is the Sword of The Spirit.
Yes, The Holy Spirit is speaking God's particular words through you when you allow Him to pray in you . . . for you, through your own mouth. In this case HE is choosing the words, He is not just depending on your opening to the right pages! . . . or, deciding what God's answer should be!
Notice that there is a difference between MIS-trust and DIS-trust. The first (Mistrust) is reported to be more general, like of a system; whereas the second (distrust) seems to be more from personal experience, OR, one's interpretation of personal experience.
It seems clear that the goal of the forces of darkness is to invade our personal life-giving TRUST of God and His Heart of LOVE, and His GOOD intentions . . . His Integrity and True Personality.
Our answers need to be in the spirit realm, whereby He can keep us above the din and danger.

May we labor in The Spirit realm to remain in His promised REST and to see His Salvation won.

Carol Bo Howell is available for speaking engagements, especially to small groups! You can reach Carol by sending her an email at:

A Special Conference Call for the Ten Days of Awe

PrayerSurgeNow to Sponsor A Special Conference Call
for the Ten Days of Awe

September 14 ~ 23, 9-10 am Eastern
Daily National Conference Call Intercession

Connect: 712-432-0075
Code: 6149782#
Mute: *6

For complete details, please go here.

Blow The Trumpet In Zion

Blow The Trumpet In Zion

YES, saints of GOD!

Good News from David's Tent!

Good News from David's Tent!

Shofars Sound Tonight, Ushering in the New Year: 5776!

Thank you all for lifting up the Shemitah March for Christ that took place today on the streets of Washington, D.C.

The LORD gave us a spectacular day: shining with a bright, fall sun; a lovely wind; and temperatures in the 70's with no humidity.
God was clearly smiling upon us!

Many, many saints gathered today at 3:00 p.m., under the leadership of Faye Hardin, to proclaim that Jesus IS the Lord of this city, on this final day of this Shemitah year. Worship, repentance and prophetic decrees rang out over the city from Capitol Hill, followed by a happy throng raising up banners, flags, and joyful praise as they marched through the streets of the city.
As planned, the march ended at David's Tent . . . and video will be available of this joyful occasion soon . . .
David's Tent ushered in 424 days of continuous WORSHIP this past Friday, and is still going strong tonight. For more information about the exciting vision and the mission of David's Tent, please go here.Thank you!

About CHPP

About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) welcomes all who wish to join us in prayer for our governmental leaders, and for Israel, asking that "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."

In order to support prayer for the leaders of our nation and for Israel, we now publish "The Daily Brief", with headline news (in brief), a suggested prayer point, and then a Word of God to decree over each item. Amen.

We welcome all who would to join our growing army of "prayer warriors" by subscribing to our alert. Simply send us your name and your email address to:, and we'll sign you up to begin receiving this free prayer resource.

You can learn more about the work of CHPP, including its mission statement and how to subscribe others to join our network, by going here.

We welcome your offerings, too!

You may donate to our work by making out a check, payable to "Capitol Hill Prayer Partners," and sending it to:

P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

If you prefer to make a payment online, please go here.

Thank you!