Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CHPP Daily Brief - February 17, 2010

In This Issue
• Today's Daily Brief
• The Middle East in Focus
• News from Iran
• The Daily Jot
• Afghanistan: Good News
• Biden Declares Victory
• Correcting the Record . . .
• The Good News Corner
• Rejoice With Us!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, February 17, 2010

God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.' So that all men he has made may know his work, he stops every man from his labor. (Job 37:5-7)

Today's Daily Brief

1. Afghan Taliban's second in command captured in Karachi - Washington Post

The Afghan Taliban's second in command, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was captured last week in Karachi during a joint operation by Pakistan's intelligence service and the CIA, according to U.S. and Pakistani sources.

- Father, we thank you for enabling these intelligence services to capture this Taliban leader. We ask that You take control of this man and hold him bound forever that he can never shed blood again. Bring him to repentance of all his sins by the power of the blood of Jesus and save his soul that he will give his life to God. In Jesus Name.

- "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it." (Isaiah 1:18-20)

2. US drone strike kills 4 Pakistan rebels: officials - AFP

Missiles fired from a US drone aircraft killed four militants at a compound in northwest Pakistan's lawless tribal region bordering Afghanistan on Wednesday, security officials said.

- Father, You have said that according to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to God's adversaries, recompense to His enemies; to the islands He will repay recompense. So shall they fear the Name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. In Jesus Name.

- "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19)

3. Foreign demand falls for Treasuries - Financial Times

Foreign demand for US Treasury securities fell by a record amount in December as China purged some of its holdings of government debt, the US Treasury department said on Tuesday.

- Father, we ask that You take all the national debt of the United States into Your hands and work a miracle. We call for change in the mentality of those who want to continually sink our country into a cesspool of insurmountable debt. We ask that You send those who will hear the voice of the Lord and end this debt crisis. In Jesus Name.

- "Lord, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:12-13)

4. Lone voice warns of debt threat to Fed - Financial Times

The US must fix its growing debt problems or risk a new financial crisis, Thomas Hoenig, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, warned on Tuesday, adding a mounting deficit could spur inflation.

- God, we seek Your holy will in this matter. You see the swirling funnel into which debt is pulling under men and nations, and we cry out to God for mercy. We ask that You go to the head of this destructive debt system and pull it down. We plead the blood of Jesus over all greed and ungodly power and strip this market out of the hands of the unholy workers of iniquity. In Jesus Name.

- "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides forever." (I John 2:16-17)

5. Foreigners cut Treasury stakes; rates could rise - AP

A record drop in foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury bills in December sent a reminder that the government might have to pay higher interest rates on its debt to continue to attract investors.

- Father, You are fully aware of the groups in power who assume control over world systems. They set up one strategy after another in order to bring their desired results. We see here their strategy of controlling governments, who control nations, who control the world. They are setting up a one world system. But it is our God Who is over all. He is in full control. So we call in the heavenly warring angelic army of our God to fight this battle and defeat the works of destruction and darkness. We declare that all things will be done in God's timing according to the Word of God. In Jesus Name.

- "The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them." (Psalm 68:17)

6. Dollar Up as Europe Reels - Wall Street Journal

A dramatic turn in sentiment in favor of the dollar and against the euro continued Monday, with lingering fears of a possible European debt crisis pushing the greenback to its highest point in nine months.

- Father, we thank You for this favor and pray the dollar be stabilized in a fluctuating economy. While one receives favor, another nation fears a debt crisis. Cover all of this with Your hand and fulfill Your perfect will. In Jesus Name.

- "Ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain." (Zechariah 10:1)

The Middle East in Focus

This week, for all the headlines cited below, please join us in proclaiming THIS DECREE:

"I will send My fear before you, and will destroy all the people to whom you shall come, and I will make all your enemies turn their backs unto you. And I will send hornets before you which shall drive out [your enemies] from before you." ( Exodus 23:27-28)

1. Netanyahu: Iranian nukes will spread to Turkey, Egypt - Ynet News

After his meeting with Russian president, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unexpectedly bumped into Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou Monday in a Moscow restaurant and took the opportunity to continue on the objective of his Russia trip -- to warn against the Iranian nuclear threat.

2. Nasrallah threatens to attack Ben-Gurion Airport - Ynet News

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech in Beirut on Tuesday, saying that Israel "needs no excuse" to attack Lebanon.

3. Netanyahu: Israel not planning war with Iran - Ynet News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday his country is not planning a war with Iran and that Tehran's concerns over such a conflict are the result of the threat of additional international sanctions.

News from Iran

1. Israel mulling a spring or summer war: Ahmadinejad - AFP

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that Iran's arch-foe Israel was mulling starting a war "next spring or summer" but has yet to make a final decision.

- Father, we pray that You will encircle Israel with Your glorious presence and protect them from all their enemies. For it is the Lord that shall go forth, and fight against those nations that go to war against Israel. You are Israel's holy Warrior. Bind their enemies under the blood of Jesus and hold them bound that they cannot move. Woe be to the nation that moves against Israel. In Jesus Name.

- "And it shall come to pass in that day, that God will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zechariah 12:9)

2. Russia, US, France rap Iran's nuclear 'escalation' - Ynet News

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday talks were still going on over a proposed nuclear fuel swap and any country which tried to impose new sanctions on Iran would regret its actions.

- God, stand against the evil intents of this man's heart. Bring forth God-ordained sanctions against Iran. May the words coming from this man's mouth fall to the ground and die. Protect the believers in this nation. Send angels to minister to them and stand guard over them and all that belongs to them. We seek our God that You will raise up a mighty army within Iran that will stand for righteousness and who will declare the Name of God to this lost nation. Save the Iranians by the precious blood of Jesus. In Jesus Name.

- "Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, which have wrought His judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be you shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger." (Zephaniah 2:3)

3. Saudi official questions new sanctions on Iran - AP

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister on Monday expressed doubts about the usefulness of more sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.

- Father, we ask that You guide the leader of Iran. According to Your will restrict Iran with these sanctions. Bind and break apart by the blood of Jesus this nuclear program aimed at destroying mankind. Let no evil prevail. In Jesus Name.

- "My God has sent His angel, and has shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt us." (Daniel 6:22)

The Daily Jot

Global Warming Fraud, the Bible, and Politicians

After the Lord God destroyed the earth with the great flood, He said in His heart as recorded in Genesis 8:21, 22 "I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." This is a promise from God that he will not again destroy the earth as in the days of Noah. And the Lord outlines what He will not do. He says that while the earth remains cold and heat shall not cease.

The latter days, Jesus Christ says, will be times of deception. He warns in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." He warns four times in this chapter to not be deceived. He warns against man deceiving, against false christs deceiving, against those coming in His name deceiving, and against false prophets deceiving. In verse 24:11 Jesus says, "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." This means that deception can come from many different areas of human society--from men in general; from those claiming to be the Christ; from those in the church coming in the name of Christ and from false prophets. False prophets likely can be either those in the church or those who are secular.

Now the headline is blast like hot air around the globe from the world's most prestigious and highly regarded research center on global warming and climate change--the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit--that there has been no global warming since 1995. Indeed, the men in charge of the scientific studies on global warming and climate change are now admitting that they falsified data, made it up, and once exposed, tried to destroy the so-called scientific research. These "scientists" now have been accused of "scientific fraud." In fact, the disgraced professor who headed up the global warming research, Phil Jones, now says that it may have been warmer in medieval times than today.

So what of Al Gore, who has made millions on global warming fraud? Or of the man who occupies the Oval Office who said in his State of the Union message "I know there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change. But here's the thing--even if you doubt the evidence, providing incentives for energy efficiency and clean energy are the right thing to do for our future" ? The politicians want a global society and that was at the political bottom of global warming. But the Bible has the answers, just as it had told us that God would not destroy the earth by cold or heat, 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."

Bill Wilson
Word of Life Ministry

Afghanistan: Good News

There's some good news today in the war against radical Islam. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was recently captured in Karachi, Pakistan, during a joint CIA-Pakistani intelligence operation. This is a big victory. Baradar is described in reports as the Taliban's top military commander and second only to Mullah Omar in the Taliban hierarchy. One British report states that Baradar "is the most senior Afghan Taliban leader arrested since the beginning of the Afghan war in 2001."

Baradar is reportedly talking to his interrogators. The reason Baradar is talking is because, unfortunately for him, he is being held in Pakistan and has most likely been subjected to "enhanced" interrogation methods like the ones Barack Obama banned. The last time I checked, the ACLU's Karachi chapter was pretty small.

If we learn anything useful from Baradar's interrogation, we can be thankful that he wasn't arrested in the United States on a major holiday trying to blow up an airliner full of passengers. As we learned from the Christmas Day bomber incident, it is the policy of the Obama Administration to tell foreign terrorists who attack on U.S. soil or in U.S. airspace that they can refuse to talk and will be given a lawyer. (Gary Bauer; End-of-Day; 2-16-10)

Biden Declares Victory

One of the requirements of being a liberal is that you must possess unbelievable gall. For example, last week Vice President Joe Biden declared that success in Iraq would be considered one of the Obama Administration's "great achievements." Last weekend, Biden accused former Vice President Dick Cheney of trying to "rewrite history." If anyone is trying to rewrite history, it's Joe Biden.

In October 2002, then-Senator Biden joined 76 of his colleagues in voting to approve the use of military force against Iraq. At the time Biden said, "We have no choice but to eliminate the threat [Saddam Hussein]. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world."

But as the radical anti-war Left began to flex its muscles within the Democrat Party, Biden began to demonstrate his flexibility and quickly lost faith in his own judgment regarding the justness of the war. When it became clear that America was at risk of losing in Iraq and needed a new strategy for success, Biden opted for surrender.

In February 2007, along with then-Senator Barack Obama, Biden voted against sending reinforcements to Iraq and opposed the Bush/Petraeus surge strategy. What was Biden's solution? To divide Iraq into three separate nations.

Now, with the war mostly won and success handed to the new administration on a silver platter, Biden has the gall to reverse course yet again and take credit for America's victory in Iraq. (Gary Bauer; End-of-Day; 2-16-10)

CHPP: Correcting the Record . . .

In a recent edition of the Daily Brief, we published an item in the Middle East section in error. The item read as follows:

2. Will Rockefeller build 3rd Temple? - WND

A Rockefeller is raising capital to rebuild the Jewish Temple, said the news release published on CNN Money's Internet site and other news sources.

In truth, the original article in WorldNetDaily had reported that this news was actually a hoax. You can read their full report by going here.

Please do search out that article in its entirety, to set the record straight. Thank you!

The Good News Corner

U.S. Marine Walks Away From Shot to Helmet in Afghanistan - Wall Street Journal
Feb. 15, 2010

MARJAH, Afghanistan - It is hard to know whether Monday was a very bad day or a very good day for Lance Cpl. Andrew Koenig. On the one hand, he was shot in the head. On the other, the bullet bounced off him. In one of those rare battlefield miracles, an insurgent sniper hit Lance Cpl. Koenig dead on in the front of his helmet, and he walked away from it with a smile on his face.

"I don't think I could be any luckier than this," Lance Cpl. Koenig said two hours after the shooting.
"He's alive for a reason," Tim Coderre, a North Carolina narcotics detective working with the Marines as a consultant, told one of the men. "From a spiritual point of view, that doesn't happen by accident."

. . . next to him was Cpl. Christopher Ahrens, who quietly mentioned that two bullets had grazed his helmet the day the Marines attacked Marjah. The same thing, he said, happened to him three times in firefights in Iraq. Cpl. Ahrens, 26, from Havre de Grace, Md., lifted the camouflaged cloth cover on his helmet, exposing the holes where the bullets had entered and exited. He turned it over to display the picture card tucked inside, depicting Michael the Archangel stamping on Lucifer's head. "I don't need luck," he said.

After his moment with Lance Cpl. Gabrian, Lance Cpl. Koenig put his dented helmet back on his head and climbed the metal ladder to resume his rooftop duty within an hour of being hit. "I know any one of these guys would do the same," he explained. "If they could keep going, they would." (Read more)

Rejoice With Us!

"God Bless America" - Wintley Phipps

Let's thank the Lord together for His wonderful care for us as a nation. God bless America!!


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